Message from the 25th Student Council President

Hello, everyone.
I am Lim Li Na from 3C2, the 25th Student Council President of Ngee Ann Secondary School. I am deeply honoured and grateful for the opportunity to serve our school. As I embrace this role, I am reminded that true leadership lies not in the title, but in the actions we take to make a positive impact.
The theme for the 2024 Student Leaders Investiture is “Leading and Serving with a Heart.” To me, this theme is more than just a slogan; it is a call to action. It reminds us that true leadership is not about commanding others or seeking personal glory. It is about empathy, compassion, and uplifting those around us.
I believe that leaders are those who inspire others through their actions and daily decisions. True leaders have the ability to look beyond today’s problems and anticipate future challenges, adopting a forward-looking approach. It is crucial for us to be forward-thinking leaders, as this mindset encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and become comfortable with the uncomfortable. By doing so, we can positively influence our peers, encouraging them to embrace change and strive for greater heights.

At Ngee Ann, students have a plethora of opportunities to develop into forward-looking leaders. Our school experiences shape us into leaders who are proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and grow. This fosters a growth mindset, which is crucial in the dynamic landscape of the future. Students at Ngee Ann set clear goals, stay curious about new ideas, and learn from both successes and setbacks.
However, being a leader is not just about being forward-looking; it is also about leading and serving others wholeheartedly. When we support and help others, we create a culture of inclusivity where everyone feels they belong. This sense of belonging and unity enhances the overall experience within our school community. By serving and leading with a heart, we positively impact others' lives. Leadership is not about how knowledgeable or qualified we are; it is about going the extra mile and taking the time to care for and support others. This is how we can make a lasting impact on our community and in the lives of others.
Alongside other student leaders, we don't just manage projects - we touch hearts. Together, with open hearts and unwavering dedication to our role as student leaders, we can forge a school where everyone feels valued, empowered, and part of something special. Our leadership will be marked by honesty, fairness, and care, with a commitment to learning from our mistakes. Leadership is a challenging yet fulfilling journey where mistakes are inevitable. However, we are resolute in our determination to embrace challenges, believe in ourselves, and thrive in discomfort.
Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to all my teachers and fellow NASians for trusting my team and me with the opportunity to lead and serve. We believe that kindness is key to success, and we pledge to fulfill our roles to the best of our abilities. We will always lead with respect, care, commitment, integrity, and kindness.
Let us all strive to reach greater heights and serve our beloved school with pride!
High Care, High Expectations,
Lim Li Na
25th President of the Student’s Council Ngee Ann Secondary School