Principal's Message

From Left: Mdm Tan Lay Gin, Vice Principal, Mr Goh Chin Wei Chad, Vice Principal and Ms Poh Shi Hui, Principal
A very warm welcome to Ngee Ann Secondary School.
I am honoured and excited to lead our school in continuing the incredible journey we have embarked on. The school was established by the Ngee Ann Kongsi in 1994 and embodies the giving spirit of our founders, who sought to contribute towards improving the lives of Singaporeans through education. This is a core part of our Ngee Ann DNA as we seek to develop our students into Future-ready Learners and Forward-looking Leaders who positively impact those around them.
As I take the baton from my predecessor, I am both deeply thankful and inspired by the rich history of our school and the firm foundations laid. Ngee Ann Secondary School has stood out as an Autonomous School, MOE East Zone Centre of Excellence for ICT and an MOE Future School. Despite our short history, the school is proud of its progress in innovation in teaching and learning with the use of educational technology since the early 2000s. We continue to leverage this strength today. Our teachers experiment with various tools and pedagogies to make teaching more effective and engaging, tapping on Artificial Intelligence tools to support learning in the classroom. The school also focuses on developing students’ digital and media literacies through our curriculum. This longstanding emphasis on leveraging technology for learning has become increasingly important in our digitally-connected and -enhanced world and directly feeds towards our school’s desired outcomes in developing students to be future-ready, and forward-looking, learners and leaders of tomorrow.
A School of Possibilities and A Home to Grow in
To acquire the student outcomes articulated above, Ngee Ann Secondary positions itself as “A School of Possibilities and A Home to Grow in”. A School of Possibilities is one that goes beyond academic excellence to help students discover and nurture their strengths, passions and talents in various fields.
At Ngee Ann Secondary, we offer a diverse range of developmental and talent programs, from SPARKS for Math and Science, to CHAMPS for Humanities and English Language; from Enhanced Art Programme for budding artists, to the Technopreneur programme for those keen on coding and entrepreneurship. The latest addition to our offering is the Sentinel programme, launched in partnership with the Ministry of Defence, and serves to nurture our students with passion and know-how in cybersecurity, an emerging area with much potential.
All our students receive the opportunity to pick up new skills through thoughtfully curated electives yearly. Authentic learning experiences are also carefully designed to help students apply and bring concepts to life in real-world settings.
Through all these experiences, we aim to deepen our students' awareness of their own strengths and interests, broaden definitions of success and inspire them towards future goals in life.
To develop Future-Ready Learners, we also place a significant emphasis on values, dispositions, and mindsets. We complement the MOE Character and Citizenship Education curriculum by instilling the Growth Mindset and Gratitude in our students through our WOW Wednesday sessions, teachable moments, school experiences and in-class discussions. Armed with these qualities, our students will be better prepared to navigate the challenges of a fast-changing, VUCAH (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and hyper-connected) world.
We are not just a school; we are a community that believes in creating forward-looking leaders. Our students are encouraged to care, serve, and lead in their individual spheres of influence. This forms the foundation of our School Culture of High Care and High Expectations. In our nurturing environment, both staff and students support one another, challenging themselves to grow and strive for excellence. It is through this that we have created Ngee Ann Secondary to be A Home to Grow in.
To this end, we are happy to share that our educators have been recognised by the Ministry of Education and other agencies for their dedication and care for our NASians, including being conferred the President’s Award for Teachers 2023, MOE Outstanding Computing Teacher Award 2023 and the LEAP Award 2023, amongst other awards and accolades. Our colleagues remain steadfast and committed to doing our best for our NASians every day.
We are also heartened to see that our 2023 graduating cohort has thrived under the school’s culture, and outdone both themselves and their seniors in the GCE examinations despite having to navigate changes during the Covid pandemic. Like earlier cohorts of NASians, they are well-positioned to pursue their desired post-secondary aspirations and work towards their dreams. We wish them the very best in their endeavours ahead!
Soaring to Greater Heights
I am honoured and excited to take the school forward on its trajectory to soar to greater heights. The school is well-positioned to embark on the Educational Technology Masterplan 2030 and move towards infusing the 21st century competencies into the total curriculum. We will continue to push on in developing every NASian into a Future-Ready Learner and Forward-Looking Leader, who not only possesses strong academic knowledge, and also dispositions and competencies that would enable him/her to lead others to succeed and give back in a fast-moving, VUCAH world.
To all our prospective students, my colleagues and I are ready to take you on a memorable and enriching educational adventure. Are you looking for a secondary education that provides you with a holistic learning experience? Or are you looking to discover your purpose and direction, making lifelong friends and cherished memories along the way? Perhaps you aspire to develop your unique strengths and interests, and use them to serve others? Or do you simply desire to be ready for whatever the future holds for you? If this is what you are looking for, we invite you to explore who we are and what we offer, and whether we are the right fit for you. Together, I am confident we will soar to greater heights, in a School of Possibilities and a Home for you to Grow in.
Wishing you a fulfilling and meaningful 2024 ahead!
Ms Poh Shi Hui
Ngee Ann Secondary School
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