Sports Safety
Sports and Physical Activity Safety
1. The safety of all our students is of paramount importance to us.
Prior to Conducting of Activity
2. Before the commencement of any activity, teachers will brief the involved students on the safety precautions to take. Students can stop and rest if they feel tired, breathless or unwell.
3. Teachers will also ask students to identify themselves if they are unwell or had been sick two days prior to activity.
Students who are unwell on the day of the physical activity will be exempted. To better assist teachers in managing the situations, students should produce medical certificates or parents’ letters.
For impromptu cases, teachers will assess by taking into account students’ physical attributes, as well as their signs and symptoms.
For students who were sick or not feeling well two days prior to the physical activity, teachers will also grant them exemption from participation to aid in their recovery.
4. It is the students’ responsibility and obligation to update teachers of their medical status.
5. Students will be taught warm-up and cool-down exercises, and will be expected to conduct them before and after physical activities, taking note of safe stretching and exercising techniques.
Being Aware of Environmental Hazards
6. Schools will make decisions based on an assessment of risks factors including students’ states of health, weather conditions, intensity of activity, and preparedness of students.
7. Students are encouraged to bring their water bottles with them for all PE lessons and CCA sessions. They should drink appropriate amount of fluids (preferably plain water) before, during and after exercise to prevent heat injuries.
8. On hot days, students are also advised to take appropriate UV protection measures, such as:
- Use of sunscreen (at least SPF30);
- Wear broad-brimmed hat and long sleeve shirts;
- Use of sunglasses;
- Seek shade.
Proper Usage of Facilities and Equipment
9. Safety briefings will be conducted prior to activity so students are expected to pay attention to them.
10. Students will be briefed on the proper usage of facilities, such as the fitness stations or weights in the fitness room. Students will also be briefed that they are not to hang or climb onto any equipment not meant for such purposes, e.g., goal posts or any attachments to goal posts (crossbar, goal ring, etc.).
11. Students will also be briefed on the safety precautions pertaining to the use of the facilities of the school, including any safety protocols (e.g., fire safety and emergency evacuation procedures).
12. Students will be taught the proper and safe usage of equipment (e.g., softball bat, badminton racket), including those of implements such as javelin, shot put and discus.
Physical Education Lessons
13. All teachers teaching PE have the necessary skills and competency to conduct PE safely. They are trained in Standard First Aid Course and will maintain the currency of their CPR & AED certification.
14. When activities are conducted outside of the school e.g. jogging and orienteering, students are to pay careful attention to the safety briefing and to adhere to the safety precautions. The safety briefing will remind students to:
- Adhere to road safety precautions and to stay on established footpaths and tracks.
- Show consideration to members of the public using the footpaths and tracks.
- Cross only at designated pedestrian crossings, underpass and overhead bridges.
- Not push and/or act in a manner that can endanger themselves and others during the activity.
15. Students should remain vigilant at all times and raised their concerns, if any.